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Custom Template Salesforce CPQ. Visualforce CPQ custom Quote Template

Custom Template Salesforce CPQ: Visualforce CPQ custom Quote Template

In Salesforce while defining quote Template Admin can choose following type of template content:

In this Blog, we will learn and see how this custom Quote Template content will help in order to generate custom table, graphics in the same quote pdf doc file.

Definition from Salesforce CPQ( see Salesforce guide Book. Taken Reference from

Select this option to use a Visualforce component in the Custom Source field that you want to show in this section of your quote template. Enter the full URL for the Visualforce page that generates this content, using the following format (page name must end with the “c__” prefix): https://c.<instance> The Visualforce component must be compatible with XML (specifically XSL-FO) to work with Salesforce QTC document output.

XSL-FO is just like HTML encoded language and we need undersatand how this language will help us in desining and defining custom tamplate. For more XSL-FO you can dig into following URL:

In this CPQ Custom template Blog page i would take one example and will see how this XSL-FO Santax we can use in Visualforce Page to generate pdf document: This pdf will show custom table as well as image while generating Quote pdf.

Sample VF Page:

This will display one Image on Top Right with Two Table

<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" cache="false"  contentType="text/xml" controller="CustomQuoteLineCtrl"  action="{!init}">


<block text-align="right">
<external-graphic src=""  content-height="scale-to-fit" height="1.5in"  content-width="2.00in" scaling="non-uniform"/>
<table border-bottom-style="solid" table-layout="fixed" width="100%" margin-top="10pt">
<table-header text-align="center" background-color="silver">
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000"  number-columns-spanned="2">
<block font-weight="bold" text-align="left"><inline color="#FFFFFF">ANNUAL SERVICES</inline></block>


<table-row border="1pt solid #800000">
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000" background-color="#800000" >
<block font-weight="bold" text-align="left"><inline color="#FFFFFF">TierName Column Heading </inline></block>
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000" background-color="#800000">
<block font-weight="bold" text-align="left"><inline color="#FFFFFF">TierPrice Column Heading </inline></block>
<table-row border="1pt solid #800000">
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000">
<block text-align="left">TierName Column Heading </block>
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000">
<block  text-align="left">TierPrice Column Heading </block>
<table-row border="1pt solid #800000">
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000">
<block text-align="left">TierName Column Heading </block>
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000">
<block  text-align="left">TierPrice Column Heading </block>
<table-row border="1pt solid #800000" >
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000" number-columns-spanned="2"> 
<block  text-align="left">TierName Column Heading </block>

<block-container  margin-top="40pt"> 
<table border-bottom-style="solid" table-layout="fixed" width="100%" >
<table-header text-align="center" background-color="silver">
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000"  number-columns-spanned="2">
<block font-weight="bold" text-align="left"><inline color="#FFFFFF">PROFESSIONAL SERVICES</inline></block>

<table-row border="1pt solid #800000">
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000" background-color="#800000" >
<block font-weight="bold" text-align="left"><inline color="#FFFFFF">TierName Column Heading </inline></block>
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000" background-color="#800000">
<block font-weight="bold" text-align="left"><inline color="#FFFFFF">TierPrice Column Heading </inline></block>
<table-row border="1pt solid #800000">
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000">
<block text-align="left">TierName Column Heading </block>
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000">
<block  text-align="left">TierPrice Column Heading </block>
<table-row border="1pt solid #800000">
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000">
<block text-align="left">TierName Column Heading </block>
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000">
<block  text-align="left">TierPrice Column Heading </block>
<table-row border="1pt solid #800000" >
<table-cell display-align="center" padding="5" border="1pt solid  #800000" number-columns-spanned="2"> 
<block  text-align="left">TierName Column Heading </block>



Note: Plase save your images in document, and then copy the address of document Image and replace it with source Image Address. src.

<external-graphic src=""  content-height="scale-to-fit" height="1.5in"  content-width="2.00in" scaling="non-uniform"/>

Here is the Sample output:

For more help click here and subscribe my Youtube channel:



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  1. Custom Template:

  2. Atocloud easiest admins work of creating bulk fields/objects in salesforce, It would be tedious job to copy and click each object one by one using Salesforce Standard process. These type of work requests would take more effort and time, so one of the best option to overcome this situation is by using the this appexchange tool called Salesforce Bulk Object Field Creator (BOFC)

  3. Hi,
    How can is put rendered check on table?

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  5. This is one awesome blog article. Much thanks again. salesforce cpq certification


  6. Whatever we gathered information from the blogs, we should implement that in practically then only we can understand that exact thing clearly, but it’s no need to do it, because you have explained the concepts very well. It was crystal clear.i also want to inform you the best salesforce cpq training . thankyou . keep sharing..

  7. Can we display an image stored in a static resource instead of saving it in a document?

  8. I tried to use this with SOQL query but not ableto use table tab at all with that. can you help me?

  9. hello, can you help why I get this err?

    org.apache.commons.httpclient.RedirectException: Maximum redirects (100) exceeded

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  11. Thanks for Sharing This Blog .Really Usefull Information You Shared.
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  12. Hi, how can we display bullet point to the template or the quote line group's description field which is a rich text area
